Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Useful conda commands list

List the conda environments

conda info --envs

Create a conda environment

conda create --name PlasClass

Activate a conda environment

conda activate PlasClass

Install a package in conda environment

conda install -c bioconda plasclass

Install multiple packages of specific version while creating a conda environment

conda create -n PlasClass python=3.7 scikit-learn=0.21.3 plasclass

Install specific version of package in a conda environment

conda install spades=3.9.0

Search for the package versions available to install in a conda environment

conda search spades

Remove an environment

conda env remove -n PlasClass
conda env export > singlecell_env.yml
install using yml file
working with mamba  fast installations
useful tips

Monday, August 8, 2022

Difference between PCA and PCoA

 PCA and PCoA are really similar. In fact, PCA is just a type of PCoA that uses euclidean distances! So we could say:

Type of Ordination: - MDS - CCA - PCoA - PCoA of Jaccard distances - PCoA of Bray-Curtis dissimilarities - PCoA of Euclidian distances (this is also called PCA) - PCoA of UniFrac distances